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Prostitution in India is an quite tough job, where you get all the backlash of the society. It is mainly of two types, one, where an individual chooses the path by her ownself and the other, where one is forced or getting trapped in an human trafficking groups.

Prostitution, prostituite in India, prostitution legal in India

What is it like to be prostitute in India?

• You have to hide a lot of things.
• People doesn't accept you as an normal human being.
• Being forced to have sex without condoms.
• Living on pills.
• Chances of getting infected with STDs.


The initial days in Brothel are not less than an hell, firstly you're being given an grade, i.e., Grade-A category status (which is given on the basis of one's physical appearance, age, body curves), Grade-A has to serve high profile persons only, For B or C catagory, rules were different as they wait for the decent guys that comes in the Brothel and also they get monthly fixed income irrespective of the number of clients they serve).


Fellow workers are very friendly they care for everyone like sisters, mothers, people inside were more loyal and honest. They share a very strong bond as they come from almost similar situations.


Some just wanted to have sex, some tries to use the body in every possible way to justify the value of money they paid, some people are not happy with their life or their wife, some behaves well, some are shits, some are drug addicts, some forces to consume drugs, some even force to consume alcohol before getting to business while some wants to practice porn styles with us.


Nowadays their living conditions are deteriorating. Congested lanes, small rooms, smelly localities are affecting their health badly because of which problems related to their health are also arising. Diseases like cervical cancer, HIV and STD are increasing as no steps have been taken for their betterment. By one of the surveys, sex workers were experiencing debilitating stigma and discrimination that erodes their ability to protect their health and well-being.



i. Registration of each sex-worker.
ii. Licensing of brothels.
iii. Girl/child less than 18 years can be prevented from entering into this profession.

These measures will lead to a decrease in:
i. STD/HIV disease spread.
ii. Child trafficking.
iii. Women harassment.
iv. Sexual violence.
v. Rape.

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