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Boeing 727, Mystery, Angola , conspiracy theories
Source : Wikipedia

On May 25, 2003, just before sunset, two men were noticed boarding a Boeing 727 parked at Aeroporto Quatro de Fevereiro in Luanda (LAD), Angola. A few instants later, the forward door of the trijet was closed and engines started.

As the 727 left its parking stand, the control tower called the aircraft but no explanations came from the cockpit. Prompting a worldwide search by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). No trace of the aircraft has since been found.

Two men boarded the aircraft, One of them was American pilot and flight engineer Ben C. Padilla. The other, John M. Mutantu, was a hired mechanic from the Republic of the Congo.

The aircraft took off, heading southwest over the Atlantic Ocean before disappearing. Before the incident, the aircraft was filled with 53,000 litres of fuel, giving it a range of about 2,400 kilometres. Neither the aircraft nor the two men have been seen since. 

The FBI, CIA, State Department and Homeland Security all frantically investigated the disappearance. The search was far and wide around the world.

While there was a reported sighting of the plane in 2003 in Guinea, it was dismissed by the US Department of State as not credible. There was another reported sighting later also in Guinea, but it also was never verified.

No trace of a crash was found as in Angola nor in neighbouring Countries, as no debris were seen, even using satellites, in the Atlantic Ocean.

So who was flying the plane — was it hijacked? Was there a bomb on board? Did it crash over the ocean? Or was it repainted and used somewhere else?

The questions remain just as perplexing, all these years on. 

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